Top case with color cover SHAD SH29 White

Kod produktu: MTP40893

Top case with color cover SHAD SH29 White
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Top case with color cover SHAD SH29 White

Odpowiedni dla marek:
  • BMW
  • SYM

SH29 is the ideal complement for your last generation scooter. Backrest, brake light and colour covers are available as accessory. Plate included.

Case with capacity for one helmet

The SH29 is a compact and practical top case, made with high-quality reinforced polypropylene and with capacity to hold a modular helmet and gloves. With curved shapes and smoked reflector, it's a basic model of SHAD's range. It has the perfect size for scooters and low-displacement motorcycles.
It has the Press Lock System, a simple and hermetic pressure lock system. As all the SHAD motorcycle top cases, it can be open and closed with only one hand, without the need to use the key to open it. We will only use the key when we want to lock it to the motorcycle. It has a slit that takes the role of ergonomic handle to make it easier to carry.
If you are one of those that take design a step forward, you will enjoy the possibility to choose between the different cover colours available: blue, silver, white, red, metallic black or the tintable option for you to customize it to your own taste.
As optional accessories, we offer the backrest and braking light. The backrest (D0RI40) offers more comfort for the passenger, as well as giving a unique style to the whole bike. The braking light (D0B29KL) is made with energy-saving leds and is very easy to install, as it fits in the lower part of the top case’s base. This increases security, as the bike is more visible from behind.
As the rest of the SHAD motorcycle top cases (except for TR48/TR37), it includes the plate and the screws kit.



Up-to-date SHAD online catalogue - click here

Up-to-date SHAD online catalogue - click here

Maximum load: 3kg
1 integral helmet: YES
Real capacity: 30 liters
Secure lock system: YES
Plate included: YES
SHAD change colour system: YES
Color: White
Dimensions: 38x40x30 cm

Catalogue SHAD 2023
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